A self-advocate and motivational speaker, Sophie Elise is 13 years old and has the Trisomy 21 form of Down Syndrome. She lives with her parents, older brother and sister, and grandmother in Ohio. Her first therapy session began at age 2 weeks and has continued since then. Thanks to a neurodevelopmental targeted intervention program implemented at home by her family, she continues to maximize her neurological efficiency. A strong focus on early reading–she began to read as a toddler!!–has been a key factor in her success, and it continues to positively impact many aspects of her life. Sophie is homeschooled and enjoys many outside interests including golf, zumba, cooking, and piano.

Summary of Sophie’s Milestones:

  • Her 1st intervention took place at age 2 weeks
  • Her family began implementing all her therapies at home when she was 9 months old
  • She began to “go on the potty” at age 10 months
  • As a toddler, flash cards were her favorite toys
  • She broke the sight reading code at age 29 months
  • She read her 1st book at age 3
  • She began reading French & Arabic flash cards at age 3 ½
  • Her favorite extracurricular activity is Zumba
  • She currently takes golf lessons
  • She plays the piano
  • She has cooked on a gas cook top independently for over 3 years
  • She has a 6th grade sight word recognition


Click here to read testimonials from people who have worked with Sophie over the years.

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  1. I have met Sophie and I think she’s a very loving, caring, and affectionate young girl. She is smart and has many talents! She is very friendly and sociable! The most important factors in Sophie’s success and happiness are her family’s unconditional love and support! God bless you all! Love you and miss you!

  2. Sophie I see u at church & I love how u give all saints a big kisses , you are smart & you are glad that you have family like yours , god bless you sweetie & you can show the world u r beautiful from inside and out

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