Lisa: After 18 years of implementing targeted intervention therapies and activities on Sophie, racking my brain to help her grow and mature, relearning to play piano in my 50’s to better assist her with piano practice, enrolling her in extracurricular activities, etc. I decided it’s high time for her start giving back. Now don’t give …
“Sophie’s Piano Recital”
Lisa: Though we are pretty much homebound, life goes on. Sophie recently participated in the Young Musicians of Brecksville virtual piano recital. We would have preferred to have her participate in that gorgeous old church in downtown Cleveland where last year’s winter recital was held, but we are hopeful that the next event will be …

“Homeschooled Girl Deserves Her Own Home Office!”
Lisa: Well, it’s tight quarters at our house now. The only person leaving for work these days is me. The men of our family are working from home, and since she’s 6 days from graduation from pharmacy school, Nicole will be coming home in a few days to join our cooped up family. Fortunately for …

“Let it Shine!”
Lisa: Well folks, it’s almost that time of year. Night to Shine 2020 is less than 48 hours away. For those of you unfamiliar with this incredible event, it’s sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation and is essentially a prom for special needs people held at various Christian churches all around the world on the …

“Part II: Sydney, Australia 2019”
Lisa: The Sydney Opera House is an incredible architectural masterpiece. Shaped like the sails of ships, its unique and iconic shape makes it hard to miss. I remember seeing it as we descended toward the airport upon arrival. The opera house is nestled in the heart of Sydney Harbour and is surrounded by multiple upscale …

“Part I: Sydney, Australia 2019”
IMG_1400 (Video above is of Sophie at Cleveland Hopkins Airport on departure day) Lisa: Hello friends and family! For those of you unaware, we had the incredible opportunity to travel to Sydney, Australia and just returned three days ago. It was truly the trip of a lifetime! While there, we spent the first half of …

“Household Coordinator”
Lisa: Well, we hit another milestone today. Sophie paid her own medical bill online with my assistance. Why should I be surprised? After all, she is the one who helps me use the navigation system in my car, helps me figure out how to use GoogleDocs, and is my technical go-to person in John/Christian/Nicole’s absence! …
“Let’s Get One Thing Straight!”
Lisa: The moment I learned that Sophie would need braces, I began to worry. How would she tolerate a palate expander? Would she sit still for the x-rays? Would she be able to sit still for the orthodontist? Would her speech be intelligible after the braces were in place? Yep, I’m a worrier. Well, …

High Interest Hobbies: Sophie’s Photography Class
Lisa: Our friend Sally is a professional photographer. Sally has graciously volunteered her time to teach Sophie all about the operation of her Nikon D40 camera. So far, so good. Sophie is really enjoying taking pictures with a purpose! Sophie: I like my new Nikon camera. Sally is teaching me how to use it. …

“Go Green…Go Sophie!”
Lisa: We are slowly trying to detoxify our bodies here at home and clean up our home environment. Sophie has started making her own household cleaners. Quite honestly, after reading the ingredients on the bottle of an all-purpose cleaner from Walmart, I was alarmed. Most of the ingredients are actually highly toxic. And we wonder …