Lisa: People with Down Syndrome (DS) are proportioned different than the general population. Though there are obvious variations between individuals, most have shorter arms, legs, and waists. Their shoulders tend to be narrower, and they are usually of shorter stature. And THIS my friends is why it is so frustrating to shop for clothes for Sophie. But a solution has presented itself in the form of a very talented young lady. Our dear old neighbors from Columbus, Cia and Argirios Ragias have a daughter Eoanna, who is majoring in fashion design at Kent State University. Eoanna and her group were tasked with designing an outfit for someone hard to fit, and Sophie came to mind. The ladies did a fantastic job! In fact, their design was chosen to be modeled at the Kent State University Annual Fashion Show April 27-28! That’s right…Sophie gets to model a dress!!! Stay tuned for the big reveal after her runway premier.
Finally…Eoanna has helped me break the cycle of spending my hard earned money to buy outfits for Sophie, only to have to bring the clothes home and cut them up in attempts to make them look good! Eoanna Ragias, you are one talented young lady! You are going places. Your attention to detail and vision have served a great need in our family. Thanks to you, Elyse Hablitzel, and Jenna Pauly for all your hard work. Here’s hoping for more custom made, sophisticated, and upscale apparel from you for our daughter. And you may have just opened my eyes to a potential modeling career for Sophie.
Sophie: Yesterday I went to my first photo shoot. It was so exciting. I cannot wait to model my new dress. Goodbye folks!
Lisa, What a wonderful acknowledgement to the team who created Sophie’s outfit. Above all, how thoughtful of you to mention me in your blog. I can’t tell you how this touched my heart; tears of joy came to my eyes. I will never forget your friendship! The best is yet to come! Cia
Cia, you and Argiri will always be our most cherished neighbors. We are friends forever! Looking forward to enjoying the fashion show together!