Sophie: I had great time at my friend Jessica’s wedding. My mom got me a dress from the junior department, NOT the kid’s department. I am not a kid anymore. I am a teenager! I loved dancing with you Baba.
John: I am glad the Lord gave me Sophie. I love my girl with all my heart. This was the best Father-Daughter dance ever. I cannot wait for the next “hafli” (party) so I can dance with my girl. Congratulations to our dear friends Jessica and Samir. We love you and your families so much!! “Mabrook!”
Sophie: We could dance in the family room right now, Baba! Goodbye folks!
love it…puts tears in my eyes.. what a lovely daughter.beautiful young lady.
It is a joy to watch Sophie grow up! Hats off to her mom and dad for filling her life with love and laughter. Sophie is amazing, thanks to her family who studies, sings, golfs, gardens, travels, cooks, and more! They challenge Sophie to learn and grow every day.
She is a blessing to all of us!