Homeschooled Sophie doing a math test in our new kitchen


It’s taken me years to be able to say this and MEAN it: Change is good.  I am a creature of habit, and as per my feelings during our most excruciating move from Columbus, Ohio a decade ago, I hated change!  But life has a way of making us adapt.  And while I’d give my right arm to be back in New Albany on Weisner Place near my dear sweet neighbor Cia, borrowing and lending cups of sugar, chicken broth, and homemade baklava (Greek style versus Lebanese style!), and driving to and from Riverside Methodist Hospitals, we moved.  And then we moved, and then we moved again.

We now live in the Cleveland area, and we’ve finally downsized to what better be our “forever home”…a cozier, more manageable, and older home in a neighborhood that looks like it belongs in a “Leave it to Beaver” episode.  The house kind of looks like a “Chip & Joanna Gaines” flip–very cool.

One of the best parts of our move has been Sophie’s reaction to it.  You think I had trouble adapting to change?  Sophie typically has even more difficulty than I ever did.  But wonders never cease.  Living proof that she is often much more mature than I give her credit for, Sophie has embraced this move.  Thanks be to God!  Now time to enjoy life again and settle back into a good routine…until the next change.

Sophie:  I love my new house.  The stairs used to scare me because they are open. But now I run up and down them all day with no problem!  Love my new room too.  Also, my mom found me a new tutor, Kathleen.  Goodbye folks!



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  1. I am so proud of you Sophie. You have a most wonderful family who inspires your progress. I can picture your new home, sooooo happy you love it……God be with you, E

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