47C27350-1751-40EB-B79D-DB9A13C3D526 ECA5F8CD-8E3A-4890-A284-8AAED2D918B6 Lisa: As part of our quest to have her become more independent, we decided it was time for Sophie to do her own banking. These videos are of her making her first deposit independently at PNC Bank. I am so proud of you Sophie! Sophie: Thank you Mother. I am so excited to …

“My Heart is Melting”
Lisa: What a weekend it was. Friday’s “Night to Shine” was one of the most special nights we’ve had in a long time. Again, many thanks to Christ Community Chapel for an outstanding event. Thanks to Megan, Sophie’s buddy for the night, and thanks to my lifelong friend Liz, my special coworkers Lauren and …
Lisa: With the new year comes new beginnings, renewed hope to forge ahead, new challenges, and new goals. We had an evaluation yesterday and are looking forward to new activities from Bob and Company at NACD. For now, we work on our present program, full speed ahead. Ok, so here are my resolutions with regard …

“Technology: Friend or Foe?”
Lisa: When you homeschool a child, it’s very easy sometimes to go through the motions and loose sight of the end result: PROGRESS! Sophie is now at the age where she can easily implement a lot of her homeschool program activities herself. While this sounds great, I need to be careful that what she is …
“The First Shall Be Last, & the Last Shall Be First”
Lisa: You are probably thinking this will be a faith-related post since we are a strong Christian family and since I often refer to our journey with Sophie as the “Farah Family Faith Walk.” It’s actually not! This post is about competition! It’s about me constantly reminding Sophie that I will not finish dead last …
“Setting Short Term Goals”
Lisa: We received our new NACD (National Association for Child Development) program for the next quarter. Our main goals are to assist Sophie with increasing her global maturity, to get her to care more about her academic success, and to hold her to an even higher standard in all aspects of her development. She is …
“Change is Good”
Lisa: It’s taken me years to be able to say this and MEAN it: Change is good. I am a creature of habit, and as per my feelings during our most excruciating move from Columbus, Ohio a decade ago, I hated change! But life has a way of making us adapt. And while I’d …
“iCan Bike”
Lisa: Hello friends! It’s been way too long since we’ve posted on the blog. As many of you know, I’ve been burning the candle at both ends after having lost my oncology pharmacist work partner. But my new partner officially starts on July 9, so help is on the way! Honestly, Sophie has been …
“Sticking Out Like a Sore Thumb”
Lisa: Some of us care WAY too much about what other people think. Well, let me tell you: Giving birth to a child with Down Syndrome can cure this notion in one split second. You either allow yourself to feel awkward about something your child said or did, or you decide to focus on what’s really …
“Blessed Holy Week”
Lisa: As Christians all over the world prepare for Easter, I would like to wish you all a blessed Holy Week. Over a year ago, Sophie and I embarked on a journey to start a blog and to launch a public speaking career. Thanks to my cousin Dalia Nino for designing the blog, thanks to …