Screenshot 2016-08-28 07.00.00
This is Stella. She is my best swimming instructor EVER!
Screenshot 2016-08-28 07.09.04
This is me at the club!

Sophie:  Stella is my friend and my swimming instructor. She is amazing!  I like her very much. We have so much fun together in the pool at the club.  Before I met Stella I could not swim.  Now I swim well.

Lisa:  For a long time, I wondered if Sophie would ever learn to swim.  I can remember when she was very little and how she hated putting her face in the water.  During one family vacation to South Carolina with friends, I can remember John insisting that Sophie come into the pool.  Her screaming literally cleared out all of the guests!  After that summer, things got complicated.  We moved, we opted not to pay for a summer swim club membership to save money, we moved again, etc., etc., etc.  This year John and I decided that enough was enough.  2016 was going to be the year that our now 13 year old daughter would learn to swim.  And then we met Stella.  What a lovely young lady.  Stella came into our lives and set the bar high for Sophie, but she made it really fun.  Finally this summer, we are proud to say that Sophie can swim, and she is becoming a stronger and stronger swimmer every day!  Stella, Sophie is right.  You are amazing!!

Sophie:  Goodbye folks!

Watch Sophie’s swimming video here!



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