The first 3 images below represent handwriting samples from about 2 years ago through the present. Sophie is now tracing her signature in cursive so that, one day, she can do her banking independently.
Lisa: NACD (National Association for Child Development) did not allow us to work on Sophie’s handwriting skills until her brain declared her hand dominance, independent of external factors (like her grandmother’s preference!!!). Even after we were certain that Sophie was right-handed, handwriting was not stressed. Not too surprising given our schools’ de-emphasis on cursive writing in favor of skills like keyboarding, etc. Eventually, we were given “the green light” to work on handwriting. See her progression above. One day, it occurred to John that she needs to learn to sign her name. So she began to work on tracing her signature. Thank God John thought of it! With everything else I am trying to teach Sophie, it was great having John remind me that being able to legally sign her own name is a very important life skill! Parents of special needs children, don’t forget to teach this to your kids!!!
Sophie: I want to sign my own name on checks. I do not want my mom to help me. mom says I need to learn to earn and save my own money someday. Goodbye folks!