Sophie with Christian & Nicole on a 6 mile hike at Torey Pines
Sophie at the pool
Sophie at a winery in Sonoma, CA

Lisa:  After all these years of pushing to further Sophie’s development, even I sometimes find myself imposing limitations on her.  Parents of special needs children, have you ever found yourselves stuck in the status quo because it’s comfortable?  I believe we subconsciously allow ourselves to remain stuck because we fear failure.  Fear is debilitating.  Not only does it create undo stress, but it can severely impede our children’s progress.  I challenge us all to think outside the box…seriously think outside the box.  Wherever your child is, whatever he/she can do, hit the reset button and push further.  We are all at various stages in our journeys, but we support each other.  Think about the following:

  • Is it time to potty train?
  • Should we move him/her out of a crib and into a regular bed?
  • Is it time to teach cooking on the stove?
  • Should we start driving lessons?
  • Do we HAVE to put him/her to bed at night?  Can’t the child do this independently?
  • Is he/she ready for her own cell phone?
  • Is it time to let him/her stay home alone?
  • How about running the vacuum or mowing the lawn?

Stop thinking about what could go wrong, have faith, and above all, do not let fear hold you back.

Sophie:  Mom, I am not afraid.  Goodbye folks!

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